Smarties Advert - Blue Is Back

This Smarties advert is a triumph in advertising and for very good reason.

Three years ago the Blue smartie was sacked from his place in the smartie tube (now a hexagonal box...damn you Nestle for changing this I loved the tube). The reason why the blue smartie was removed from the smartie pack was because it was the only smartie that had artificial colours and flavourings and Nestle wanted to market these great little chocolates as having no artificial colours and flavourings.

After three long years where Nestle have been beavernig away in a small laboratory some where BLUE IS BACK, yes Nestle have been able to recreate the blue smartie with no artificial colours and flavourings so it can take its rightful place as the most loved smartie in the box.

The advert to show the return of the blue smartie is a marketing genius and I love it very much. Every time I see this advert I laugh and a little smile is evident to see for a short while after...Well done Nestle.