The Banned Xbox Advert

Back at the very birth of the Xbox an advert was created and played on British television, before long many complaints had been written about the advert and it was banned to the sandbox of television archives.

This Xbox advert was a great play on enjoying life as its too short and really did use great graphics to get this across, unfortunately there were a few out in the world that thought it was creepy and morbid. Well, well I have searched high and low and found the advert in question so you can all feast your eyes on one of the very first Xbox adverts to grace our screens.

I personally feel this advert was a triumph as it really got people talking so the name Xbox was known by anyone and everyone.

Do you think this advert is creepy and morbid? Or like me do you think it was a triumph in advertising for the Xbox?

Lynx - One for the Boys

This Lynx advert didnt make it on to the television for long but did manage a long period on the big screen as an advert prior to films starting. What stopped this advert from playing on the television I will never know!!!

This Lynx advert is definately one for the lads, it is literally every mans fantasy to have this happen....imagine thousands of scantily dressed women running after you, yep your attention and nothing else.

This is an epic of an advert really given the intensity of the thousands of scantily clad women running through forests, over hills, swimming oceans and the like just to get to one man spraying his Lynx....this is why they call it the Lynx effect!!!

For those that don't know the brand Lynx this may be because it is called Axe in other countries.

Man watch this advert and tell me you are not jealous!!!

Oh nearly forgot, for those of you not interested in half naked women the music is "Dies Irae" by Karl Jenkins.

WKD bath advert

WKD, short for Wicked, have been creating a group of different adverts on the theme of people having a wicked side. These adverts have seen groups of men playing pranks on each other to show how W-K-D they can be.

This new advert is one my wife thinks is very funny and plays on a man having a wicked side against his wife. The advert starts with a woman relaxing in a nice bath with 1980's music playing on her small portable music player when her husband walks in, says "Sorry love" before pulling his pants down and sitting on the toilet for an eeer, erm....well you get the picture :)

I wonder whats in store for the next installment of WKD adverts!

Nestle Rolo Advert

For those of you who do not know, Rolo's are chocolates that are round in shape and were first cought on to the market in 1938 by Rowntrees of York.

This advert was broadcast in the mid 1990's and it is one I had forgot about until my sister stumbled across it last weekend. Once I saw it I remembered it straight away, I always thought this advert was quite interesting and funny so thought it would make a great addition to the collection!

Rolo adverts for the past decade and more have always played on the plot of loving someone enough to give them your last Rolo. Although some of Nestle Rolo's adverts have been slightly engaging, this one has always been my favourite.

Snickers - Get Some Nuts

Now Mr. T used to be a legend in my youth when he was in the A Team, now it is rare to see him in an advert so I was shocked, amazed and in awe when I saw Mr. T in this Snickers advert.

This Snickers advert starts off with a group of men playing football (Soccer to all my American chums out there) when a player falls down and plays on being hurt, the camera then flashes to a tank flying down the road crushing cars before stopping with the gun turret just inches from the players head.

What happens next is Mr. T comes out of the top of the tank then tells the football player to stop moaning, get some nuts (great play on words there) before he meets his friend PAAIN and throws a snickers at his head. After this he speeds off in his big tank....hell just watch this great Snickers advert before you meet my friend PAAAIN

RAF - Flying Objects Advert

I think this RAF advert is ingenious, although the idea is lost on many I think the message being sent out is great.

The message behind this RAF advert is that it might onyl take one pilot to fly a fighter plane but it takes a great many different people in different jobs to get a fighter plane off the ground.

The RAF have really done themselves proud with this advert and I can see how this advert could really get a young persons mind thinking about joining the British Royal Air Force.

I have to admit though, when I first saw this advert I thought I had flicked in to the middle of some sci fi kind of film, in fact the film Enemy of the state sprang to mind!

Its one great advert and the RAF should take their hats off for this one!!

Orangeman - You've Been Tangoed

This is one funny advert that was shown on British television back in 1992. The advert is for the soft drink Tango. Tango made a series of these adverts for each flavour of their soft drinks and all entitled you've been tangoed, some of which will feature later in Great Advert.

This particular Tango advert shows a boy just taking a sip of his can of orange Tango when a little man in orange comes up and slaps him round the face. I just love seeing the boys face when it is played back in slow motion with commentary before the final credit says "You know when you've been Tangoed".

I do apologise for the video being grainy but it is an advert that is sixteen years old. One thing I will say is that this is such a simple advert that makes such a big impact.

Mars Advert - The Monks

I only saw this Mars advert yesterday and was in fits of laughter, this is a great advert and really is one that you remember.

This advert starts off with bells ringing in the distance from a monastery set in the country side, once the camera cuts inside you see the monks eating a mars before starting to ring the bells some more, it is only then that the Cypress Hill music starts and the monks start using the bell ringers to play big time!

This Mars advert is a great show of advertising as it makes you laugh and remember the product the advert is about.

What do you think? I thought this advert was ingenious, monks in a bell tower jumping around to Cypress Hill....who ever thought of this is a clever person.

I do have to say my wife says her favourite is the older man with the beard as he looks so innocent even when he is jumping around!!

Guinness - Surfer Advert

Guinness is well known for the amazing adverts that it creates to advertise its Irish stout, but the Guiness advert I have chosen for today is probably the most memorable from all those it has commissioned.

Created in 1999 the Guinness advert entitled the Surfer was based upon an earlier TV and cinema advert from the 1980's which showed a surfer riding a wave. To take this further the advert below shows surfers go in to the sea and ride a wave with white horses thundering overhead out of the water.

In 2000 this advert was named as the best television advertisment of all time by Channel 4 and a leading British newspaper.

Advert information

The song in the advert is called "Phat Planet" and is by the well known UK Dance group called Leftfield.

From what I understand the surfer was not anyone famous, he was literally found surfing at a beach and asked if he would play the part.

The advert was created by Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO and can be downloaded from their website to do so click here.

Cadburys Gorilla Advert

This Cadburys advert was on the TV in the United Kingdom back in August 2007 and was an instant hit. What makes this advert so interesting is the fact that the content has nothing to do with what it is advertising BUT that it got everyone talking.

I think what really worked for this advert is that the colour scheme in the background is synonymous with Cadburys, the music from Phil Collins was cleverly chosen and that the person playing the Gorilla did it so well. If you watch the Gorilla sitting in anticipation then busrsting in t live, it is just magic.

This Cadburys advert is one that you will remember for a long time, Cadburys certainly did well with choosing this for their advertising campaign.

SureCheck Pregnancy Test Advert

This SureCheck advert caught my eye the other day and it dawned on me I had seen the advert about two years ago when I was in Bulgaria with my wife. I thought it was really funny as it is advertising the SureCheck pregnancy test (the things in their arms that look like weapons are the tests), whats even funnier is the song they are singing.

Here are the translated words to this advert...

You are waking up in the early dawn
You torture yourself and you wonder why its late
This is worrying you alot
Test, test, test SureCheck

If there is one line
Did you hear well, one line
Its a valid test
George is innocent

If there are two lines,
We will repeat two lines,
Ring him quickly,
You are already pregnant
Test, test, test SureCheck

Smirnoff Vodka Strikes Again

When I first saw this advert I thought it was one of those great Guinness adverts but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was actually a Smirnoff Vodka advert.

I would love to say that there are a great many hardened Russian drinkers in the Smirnoff head quarters somewhere deep in a large Russian city somewhere thinking about what they have achieved with this advert but unfortunately the owner of Smirnoff is the British drinks company Diageo.

Smirnoff have really surpassed themselves with this marvel in advertising, I think this advert is spectacular and really memorable for all the right reasons. Who ever came up with this idea deserves a great pat on the back as it certainly shows what Smirnoff is really made off.

I have to admit that I am a lover of history and this advert certainly brings history to life in an amazing way with these old ships and spitfires raising from the sea.