Honda Advert - The Cog

Car adverts seem to be becoming a big theme for Great Advert but I feel this is with great reason.

The car manufacturing business really have to come up with something unique to advertise their vehicles and nothing is more unique than the Honda cog advert from a year or so ago.

The advert starts with a simple cog rolling along the floor before hitting another and a chain of events unfold, each event starts from the previous and makes the next happen very much like a line of dominoes.

In the end the car key is pressed and the Honda rolls off its perch then a narrator says "Isn't it nice when things, just work". This advert is interesting and clever.

It must be said that the advert does not have any graphic additions and it all happened as you see it, although the tyre was weighted to make it roll the way it did. This advert is also very long by advertising standards as it is two minutes in length.