Snickers - Get Some Nuts

Now Mr. T used to be a legend in my youth when he was in the A Team, now it is rare to see him in an advert so I was shocked, amazed and in awe when I saw Mr. T in this Snickers advert.

This Snickers advert starts off with a group of men playing football (Soccer to all my American chums out there) when a player falls down and plays on being hurt, the camera then flashes to a tank flying down the road crushing cars before stopping with the gun turret just inches from the players head.

What happens next is Mr. T comes out of the top of the tank then tells the football player to stop moaning, get some nuts (great play on words there) before he meets his friend PAAIN and throws a snickers at his head. After this he speeds off in his big tank....hell just watch this great Snickers advert before you meet my friend PAAAIN