Guinness - Surfer Advert

Guinness is well known for the amazing adverts that it creates to advertise its Irish stout, but the Guiness advert I have chosen for today is probably the most memorable from all those it has commissioned.

Created in 1999 the Guinness advert entitled the Surfer was based upon an earlier TV and cinema advert from the 1980's which showed a surfer riding a wave. To take this further the advert below shows surfers go in to the sea and ride a wave with white horses thundering overhead out of the water.

In 2000 this advert was named as the best television advertisment of all time by Channel 4 and a leading British newspaper.

Advert information

The song in the advert is called "Phat Planet" and is by the well known UK Dance group called Leftfield.

From what I understand the surfer was not anyone famous, he was literally found surfing at a beach and asked if he would play the part.

The advert was created by Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO and can be downloaded from their website to do so click here.