Kia Ora Advert

Now this Kia Ora advert is one I remember well from my youth and love for its fun but is also one that has caused much debate in recent times.

In the 1980's when this advert came out I was a youth full of boyhood dreams of being a footballer, this advert used to make me smile. Now I watch this advert and feel the wonderful memories of drinking Kia Ora as a child.

What many people now see as an issue with this advert is that some see racial connotations in the advert itself because of the stereotypes each of the characters portray. Personally I don't see these stereotypes and think they are only there if your looking for them, this is just an great Kia Ora.

The song in the advert is "Fido" by Caramba

Here are the words to the advert

It's too orangey for crows...It's just for me and my dog
I'll be your dog
- barks -
I'll be your dog
Kia-Ora a doggy doggy doggy doggy
Kia-Ora... Arumba
We all adore a Kia-Ora"


uberman said...

Replace kiora with Corona