Pronto Condoms Advert

Ah the condom adverts, noes that are used to make the use of condoms a subject that is not taboo through the power of laughter or the power of persuasion for men to take more precautions.

I have seen many of these adverts come and go but this South African Pronto condoms advert really made me laugh, also made me think that the lady on the advert is a little too experienced lol.

I think this is a great advert for the South African market given the wide spread number of people who are HIV positive, this pronto condoms advert breaks down boundaries of sex being taboo and really gets the message over in a really quick and funny way.

Kia Ora Advert

Now this Kia Ora advert is one I remember well from my youth and love for its fun but is also one that has caused much debate in recent times.

In the 1980's when this advert came out I was a youth full of boyhood dreams of being a footballer, this advert used to make me smile. Now I watch this advert and feel the wonderful memories of drinking Kia Ora as a child.

What many people now see as an issue with this advert is that some see racial connotations in the advert itself because of the stereotypes each of the characters portray. Personally I don't see these stereotypes and think they are only there if your looking for them, this is just an great Kia Ora.

The song in the advert is "Fido" by Caramba

Here are the words to the advert

It's too orangey for crows...It's just for me and my dog
I'll be your dog
- barks -
I'll be your dog
Kia-Ora a doggy doggy doggy doggy
Kia-Ora... Arumba
We all adore a Kia-Ora"

Um Bongo Advert

Now the Um Bongo advert really is a blast from the past, I loved this advert as a child and really had a smile on my face when I found the video.

The Um Bongo advert came out in the early 1990's I believe and was a major advertising coup at the time with every man, woman, child and pet dog dancing along and singing the Um Bongo song!

Um Bongo, Um Bongo way down deep in the middle of the congo, a hippo took a grapefruit, a guava & a mango, he mixed with the others & he danced a dainty tango, the rhino said I know we'll call it UM BUNGO

This advert is a wonderful piece of advertising history, if only I could find Um Bongo in the shops today.

Nutri Grain - Elf Baking in Factory

Okay so I couldn't resist, I love these nutri grain adverts sooo much so thought it time to post. These two adverts were aired a few years ago, one promotes the nutri grain bars while the other advertises the nutri grain elevenses bars.

Both adverts follow the same story about the cakey goodness of nutri grain and how they are made by elves in the nutri grain factory, great fun thats what I say!

Heres the first nutri grain advert with none other than the funny actress Alice Barry...

You cant beat the bit where she says "They come out the factory gates at night with the tall hats on doing the kung fu and the bars."

The second follows two men camping outside the nutri grain factory, I just love the guitar song "I saw an elfy hopping along the factory, hopalong elfy, hopalong elfy, elfy mcphee!"

Honda Advert - The Cog

Car adverts seem to be becoming a big theme for Great Advert but I feel this is with great reason.

The car manufacturing business really have to come up with something unique to advertise their vehicles and nothing is more unique than the Honda cog advert from a year or so ago.

The advert starts with a simple cog rolling along the floor before hitting another and a chain of events unfold, each event starts from the previous and makes the next happen very much like a line of dominoes.

In the end the car key is pressed and the Honda rolls off its perch then a narrator says "Isn't it nice when things, just work". This advert is interesting and clever.

It must be said that the advert does not have any graphic additions and it all happened as you see it, although the tyre was weighted to make it roll the way it did. This advert is also very long by advertising standards as it is two minutes in length.

Peugeot Indian Car Commercial

Every man knows what its like to want a car to impress the ladies, so this Peugeot advert really was a hit when it came out.

The Peugeot advert not only shows the lengths a man will go to so he has the ride of his dreams to show off to the ladies but even goes as far as showing the men trawling in the car with music blairing and heads bobbing.

I loved this advert when it came out and still love it now as it really encompasses the male youth today and was a hit with Peugeots target audience.

For those who are interested the song in the advert is Bhangra Knights by Husan.

Winegums - Juice - Loose

Maynard Winegums bought out an advert many, many, many years ago that was a huge hit, every one loved it so in good advertising fashion they remade the advert with a few slight differences not too long ago.

The advert centres on a scottish man in an old house, he eats a winegum and starts giving them to different items in the house, he then dances a bit before saying "theres juice, loose aboot this hoose". This may not sound great but if you watch the advert you will see how fun it is.

This is a simple advert that everyone always remembers, good one Maynards. Oh and I must say I love Winegums too.

Smarties Advert - Blue Is Back

This Smarties advert is a triumph in advertising and for very good reason.

Three years ago the Blue smartie was sacked from his place in the smartie tube (now a hexagonal box...damn you Nestle for changing this I loved the tube). The reason why the blue smartie was removed from the smartie pack was because it was the only smartie that had artificial colours and flavourings and Nestle wanted to market these great little chocolates as having no artificial colours and flavourings.

After three long years where Nestle have been beavernig away in a small laboratory some where BLUE IS BACK, yes Nestle have been able to recreate the blue smartie with no artificial colours and flavourings so it can take its rightful place as the most loved smartie in the box.

The advert to show the return of the blue smartie is a marketing genius and I love it very much. Every time I see this advert I laugh and a little smile is evident to see for a short while after...Well done Nestle.


Grand Theft Auto 4 Advert

The new Grand Theft Auto 4 advert has hit our screens and I must say I really like it, it is simple yet very effective.

The advert is a well used music soundtrack played over a film of the in game character walking through a city etc.

The move from one screen to another to show different aspects of the game is seamless and the way the character answers his phone and breaks a car window before stealing it at the end is created so well. I think the advert showing the in game graphics is so good you could believe it was a real film!

The great music soundtrack to this Grand Theft Auto 4 advert is by LCD Soundsystem and is called Get Innocuous.

Fridge Raiders

This advert I found annoying at first but this was because I didnt really watch it properly. After giving the advert my attention it has actually grown on me and I like it very much, although I do admit that who ever came up with the idea of the idea is clearly unstable!

I have never heard of fridge raiders before so seeing this advert has built their brand name with me. This fridge raider advert actually starts off quite innocent with a man taking out a packet of fridge raisers from the fridge before eating them as he goes about getting changed, that is until he keeps noticing his body change to that of a werewolf.

The idea behind the advert is that fridge raiders "Bring out your carnivorous side", I think this is a great advert now.

BT Gremlins Advert

This advert is a brand new one and a BIG surprise to me!

BT, thats British Telecom for those who do not know have pulled off a major coup with thier new advert advertising IT support.

This advert shows a man working late at night as other leave the office so he is alone...guess what happens...those pesky computer gremlins strike and cause him to lose the work he is doing. What makes this BT Gremlins advert special is the fact that the computer Gremlins in question are those Gremlins that ran amok in the Hollywood films of the 1980's, the advert even has the supporting Gremlin music!

This is an amazing advert that made me want to come and post it straight away, all I can say is WELL DONE BT and to you folks, enjoy :D

Nicorette Inhalator Advert

This little Nicorette advert gem only came on to the UK television screens in the past week. at first you wonder what the hell the advert is about but it all becomes clear later on in the advert.

The advert starts off with a man twiddling many things in his hands like a keys or a drinking straw but it all becomes clear at the end of the advert when you see the man take out a Nicorette inhalator and start sucking on it.

What really made this advert for me was the great use of music and the final scene where....haha Im not going to ruin it for you, watch the advert for yourself below.

A Cigar Called Hamlet Advert

This advert is so simple yet so effective. Anyone in the UK will remember the famous Hamlet adverts that ran in the late 1980's to early 1990's and this one was probably the best of the lot.

All the Hamlet adverts during this time were starred by famous British comedians and none is better than the star of Rab C. Nesbitt, Gregor Fisher.

It may just be us British that find this advert funny, even though it is so simple it carries a strong advertising message that can really be felt when watching this amazing advert.

To me this is what you call the perfect advert, there is no technical magic or high paid hollywood actor. This advert is simply a comedian on a chair nothing more and nothing less yet the advert keeps you riveted.

Toyota Swingers Party

My sister found this advert and bought it to my attention, this little advertising beauty from Toyota was aired quite a few years ago now but was a powerful advert when it graced our television screens.

This Toyota advert really tapped in to the 30+ market by playing on the legend of swinger parties where the males car keys are placed in a bowl and a woman picks out a key, who ever owns the car for that set of keys is her "Man" for the evening.

What made this advert so great was the way it was played by ALL men standing up when the "Least attractive" female pulled out the keys to a Toyota.

Clever advertising that made the Toyota look appealing and sexy to its target audience, well done Toyota...oh and it certainly gave me a laugh too.